Research and development laboratory dedicated to digital methods and data visualization, affiliated with the Design Undergraduate Program at the Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Brazil

DataViz, Design & Digital Methods


Datalab is a research lab dedicated to data visualization and digital methods. It’s part of the Design program at the State University of Bahia (Uneb) and is led by Professor Elias Bitencourt.

We bring together data visualization design, data science, and insights from Science and Technology Studies (STS) to explore how algorithmic mediation and digital platforms shape contemporary social dynamics.

Datalab is a space where academics, students, designers, and data scientists collaborate. We work to use digital data to better understand social phenomena shaped by digital technologies, carry out research, and develop tools, interventions, and projects that connect society and technology in meaningful ways.

design technology data and society

Semantic Imagery Mapping - SIM

A method for analyzing the semantics of large image collections through computer vision.

Movie Scene Sensing - MSS

A SIM-based interface for mapping thematic arcs in audiovisual content.

Digital Practices Matrix - DPM

A methodology for mapping digital communication practices using machine learning.

Smart Image Curator - SIC

An interface for curating large image collections and film archives. Developed in collaboration with Prof. Leonardo Buggy (UFC). More details coming soon.

Methodologies and Tools

Discover the methodologies and tools we’re developing to explore how computer vision and machine learning can be applied to analyze platform imaginaries, audiovisual content, digital practices, and collection curation.

Nossos Projetos

Conheça as principais metodologias e ferramentas que estamos desenvolvendo para explorar o uso de visão computacional e aprendizado de máquina aplicado a análise de imagens, conteúdos audiovisuais, práticas digitais e curadoria de acervos

Smart Imagery Maping

Método para análise semântica de grandes acervos de imagem.

Move Scene Sensing

Metodologia para análise de conteúdo audiovisual com visão computacional

Metodologia para mapeamento de práticas digitais com machine learning

Digital Practice Matrix

Smart Imagery Curator

Interface para curadoria de acervos digitais desenvolvida em parceria com Leonardo Buggy - UFC


Data Blog

Acompanhe as nossas principais ações, publicações e atualizações sobre os projetos em desenvolvimento